Self-Confidence / 4 posts found

Muhammad Ali Courage

Muhammad Ali’s Claim about Courageousness and Risk

by Kalinda Rose Stevenson
Muhammad Ali demonstrated the kind of courageousness and risks that are characteristic of the original definitions of courage... 
Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan at Harvard

Heresy, Orthodoxy, and Self-Confidence of Helen Keller and St. Augustine

by Kalinda Rose Stevenson
Helen Keller and Augustine demonstrated dramatically different perspectives on heresy, orthodoxy, and self-confidence...
Change Character to Change Life?

Do You Have to Change Your Character to Change Your Life

by Kalinda Rose Stevenson
How does discovery of your life-changing potential relate to self-trust and self-confidence in life-changing stories? James Ryan describes it this way...
Balance on Trolltunga

Perspectives on Self-Confidence

by Kalinda Rose Stevenson
Perspectives on self-confidence focuses on how you can change your perspective on your own ability to do what you choose to do.