Happy woman

The First Essential Tool for Building a Life You Love

by Kalinda Rose Stevenson

How to Build a Life You Love

Do you love the life you are living? Or are you so caught up in dealing with what you don’t want in your life that you don’t make time to do what you love?

One of the easiest traps to fall into in life is to treat your life as an endless set of problems to be solved.

It’s true that our lives our full of problems. There’s always something that needs attention. It could be a minor problem: you need to change a burned-out light bulb, or maybe you need to stop and get gas on your way to work because the fuel gauge is bumping on empty. These are annoyances. Small problems. Ordinary problems. You could also have an urgent problem that you can’t ignore. Instead of a burned-out light bulb, you have a fire in your kitchen. Instead of needing to get gas before the car runs out of gas, your car engine dies in the middle of heavy traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. These are real problems you have to fix right now.

The secret to building a life you love is to make room for doing what you love even as you are dealing with ongoing life problems.

Keep reading to discover how you can transform your life, the lives of those around you, your relationships, career and anything else that’s causing you dissatisfaction or unhappiness.

"I’m constantly reminding my clients of three important tools and mindset shifts that are the foundation for creating the life and happiness they desire. These three tools are so essential, so fundamental and sometimes so hard to remember and implement in our day-to-day lives.

The first tool that I’m sharing with you today is one I’m incredibly passionate about.

Not only does it have the power to transform your life, the lives of those around you, your relationships, career and anything else that’s causing you dissatisfaction or unhappiness, it has the power to change our world for the better. It’s that transformational.

The First Essential Tool for Building a Life You Love

One of the most powerful steps you can take towards creating the life of your dreams is to take total ownership of everything that manifests within it. Your successes, failures, the way others treat you, your health, your happiness, etc. This is called taking personal responsibility.

Personal responsibility is not about blame towards yourself or anyone else.

Instead, it’s all about empowering yourself to create the life, success and happiness that you desire. It’s about becoming solutions focused and working with others to make the world a better place. It’s a beautiful, simple and often-overlooked principle that you can utilize in every area of your life.

Whether you’re unhappy in your relationship, with your job and your finances, or maybe your whole life seems off-balance and out of sorts... you are 100 percent responsible for everything that’s manifested in your life. This can be a tough pill to swallow, I know. Believe me, I know!

When you’re feeling stuck, unfulfilled or disconnected from your true self, it can be easier to blame outside circumstances and people. The boyfriend who mistreats you, the job with the bad boss, or the pressures of society or the economy.

But if you take a step back in every situation and ask yourself, “What did I do to allow this to happen?” you’ll be pleasantly surprised at what you discover."

Find out more about The First Essential Tool for Building a Life You Love, by Stephenie Zamora

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