Critical Thinking about Past and Present
How to Truly Live Life to the Fullest

The Key to Truly Living Your Life
Critical thinking about your past and your present is the key to truly living your life. It's essential because critical thinking gets you in touch with the reality of your life as it is right now. The power of your past over your present can break any possibility you have to succeed at what you want. This is the wisdom of what Robert Fritz teaches. To be in the present is to be fully present in the now:
Those who learn to know reality, without holding on to the past, are in the best position to truly live their lives. This is anything but amnesia. This is not forgetting the past, but remembering that the past is over. The past is not the present. Whether the past has been filled with loss and failure or filled with success and victory, the past is not the present. And the present is not the past.
One of the problems that many people face is that they are still living their lives in the memories of the past. To live your life now with the mindset and beliefs of your past blocks your ability to live your life fully in the present. You cannot see the present if you are looking at it as if it were the past. The power of the past over you can stifle your intentions to live a more successful and happier life.
Critical Thinking about Reality
Critical thinking is about reality. What is rather than what was. Not what will be or what might be. What is real right now. This is the time to focus your thoughts. This is the only time you have to live. Right now. In the place where you are.
As long as you can be clear about where you are in the present rather than in memories of the past, the complications of life that were created by earlier life experiences can be replaced with clarity about what you choose to do with your life right now.
Critical thinking about your life teaches you to stay in the present. The ability to live in the present rather than the past is an empowering skill. It teaches you how to let the past be the past. Learning how to live in the present is the foundation of truly living life to the fullest.
One of the most powerful ways to truly live your life to the fullest is learning how to create. What would you create if you could create anything? Creativity is not just about art or writing or music. It's about learning the skills necessary to create what you truly want in life.
Find out more The Path of Least Resistance: How to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life...
A revolutionary program for creating anything, from a functional kitchen to a computer program, to a work of art, Robert Fritz demonstrates that any of us has the innate power to create. Discover the steps of creating; the importance of creating what you truly love, how to focus on the creative process to move from where you are to where you want to be, and much more.
[Original Post October 21, 2014]
What are your thoughts and insights about knowing how to create anything in your life? Leave a comment below. I look forward to learning from you what you have learned about becoming the creative force in your life.