Thinking about Creating Your Brand New Beginning
What Do You Trust Yourself to Do?
New Beginning or New Ending?
One of the well-known quotes on a new ending in life is by Carl Bard.
Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.
Although no one seems to know who "Carl Bard" was, this statement has endured as words of wisdom about what it takes to change your life based on self-trust. You look toward the ending rather than the beginning.
However, these few pithy words are worth challenging.
Beginning Now
The past is over. You can't live your life over. You couldn't fix the past if you tried. You also can't create your new ending. You can hope for it, plan for it, and dream about it, but nothing in human life guarantees what your new ending will be.
What you can create is a new beginning right now. That's all any of us has. Now.
If you trust yourself, you can start with where you are at this moment, in this stage of your life, and decide that you are willing to change now. You don't have to fix the past to do it.
You can begin right NOW.
Thinking about Your Brand-New Beginning
- You can think about how you think.
- You can think about what you do.
- You can think about how you spend your time.
- You can think about what is meaningful to you right now.
- You can think about what you can do right now to create your brand-new beginning.
You can start by thinking about the tulip tree buds I photographed on a gray spring day during a short stay in Boise, Idaho.
Spring blossoms are beautiful symbols of new beginnings in life. Winter ends. Spring comes. Once again, dormant trees send out their buds and their new leaves. For dormant trees, spring blossoms are not really a brand-new start. Rather they are the result of beginning again in the now of each spring.
You can consider the tulip tree buds as a metaphor for your hopes and intentions to live a different life. One of the reasons why I love these pictures is because the sky was a vibrant bright gray that day. As a serious amateur photographer, I love taking photos on such days. (These online photos don't do justice to the brightness of the gray sky.) Rather than the drab sullenness of grayness, the dark gray sky was full of light.
The tulip tree buds in the bright gray sky can be a metaphor for making your brand-new beginning. If you trust yourself, even the grayest days can hold the promise of a new beginning right Now.
If you want to change your life, heroic stories reveal secrets about how to get out of the true self trap and create the life you desire to live.
Find out more in How to Get Out of the True Self Trap: The Life Changing Secret of Heroic Stories...
[Original Post August 22, 2014]