Kenneth Atchity Describes Why Writing Is a Craft

by Kalinda Rose Stevenson

Self-Imposed Discipline

Writing is a craft.
A craft not only can be learned, it must be learned.
Only the inclination to write—and the talent—come naturally;
all the rest is a result of training,
the trustiest form of which is
self-imposed discipline on a routine basis.

Kenneth Atchity
Kenneth Atchity describes writing as a craft and why writers must used self-imposed discipline.
Kenneth Atchity Writing Is a Craft

The Craft of Writing

Ken Atchity is one of the few well-known writers I have met in person. I attended a Learning Annex course in San Francisco where I bought A Writer’s Time: Making Time to Write.

If you haven't read A Writer’s Time, here are a few comments from the Author’s Note at the beginning of the book. If you want to be a successful writer, they are worth pondering.

    • A Writer’s Time explains how you can manage to write and publish in the same lifetime that demands your involvement in a multitude of other activities (pages xiii-xiv).
    • A writer, after all, is only a person who loves writing and believes in it strongly enough to want to do it well (xiv).
    • I firmly believe that anyone can be productive once the decision is made to master time and the necessary skills. This book shows you how to do both (xv).
    • It’s not time that’s scarce: It’s planning (xv).
    • Discipline is the key to all that follows, the bedrock of productive writing. Talent is not a rare commodity. Discipline is. It requires determination more than self-confidence, the commitment of your will to the dream (xvi).
    • Write from the heart about things that matter to us all, and let nothing deter you from writing what only you can write (xvii).
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Amazon Description of A Writer's Time

For nearly a decade, thousands of writers―aspiring and professional―have relied on this book, the first to apply time-management principles to the specific needs of writers of fiction, nonfiction, and drama.
Expanding his focus now, Kenneth Atchity adds a substantial new chapter, "Breaking into Show Business," and new material about recapturing the "high" of creativity and maintaining confidence despite setbacks. He shows you how to transform anxiety into "productive elation," how to separate vision from revision, and how to develop your own writing agenda.

This book, based on his writing seminars, research into dreams and creativity, and film development, is, as the New York Times states, "crammed with the sort of useful advice that it seems to take some people years to learn.
[Original Post October 18, 2014]
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